We are back this month with a fresh blend for January! Kicking of the year right, January’s blend is bright, crisp, fresh...this blend will help support you as we crawl out of those dark winter days! You will find this month’s blend to be Herbaceous, Citrus, Coniferous, and Spicy. It’s very stimulating and quite uplifting! Perfect as we come out of hibernation. If I am being honest, I’m kinda in love with this blend...let’s explore the individual oils!
In my opinion, there is no better oil than the “sparkle” of Pink Grapefruit to lighten up mental fatigue and moodiness. Research suggests that using this citrus oil may balance mood, decrease blood pressure, and relieve stress.
Grapefruit essential oil contains a number of compounds thought to enhance health, such as limonene. A rat-based study published in Brain Research found that inhaling the scent of grapefruit essential oil stimulated activity in the sympathetic nervous system, which activates the body's "fight-or-flight" response to stress.
Rosemary is stimulating, warming, and refreshing and can be used to help boost memory retention and staying alert. Greek scholars are known to have used rosemary essential oil to improve their memory before exams. A recent study published in the International Journal of Neuroscience evaluated the cognitive performance of 144 participants when using rosemary oil for aromatherapy. It found that rosemary significantly enhanced the quality of memory and increased mental alertness.
When diffused, Rosemary can also be helpful as a respiratory support oil. Rosemary oil works as an expectorant when inhaled, relieving throat congestion from allergies, colds or flus. Inhaling the aroma can fight respiratory infections because of its antiseptic properties. It also has an antispasmodic effect, which helps in the treatment of bronchial asthma.
Rosemary is also beneficial in massage blends, increasing circulation and warmth to the skin and underlying muscles. Rosemary oil has anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties you can benefit from by massaging the oil on the affected area.
Research shows that simply inhaling the aroma of rosemary essential oil can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in your blood. High cortisol levels are caused by stress, anxiety or any thought or event that puts your body in "fight-or-flight" mode.
This oil has a fresh scent similar to other oils such as pine or tea tree oil. In Europe Juniper was believed to have magic powers and was used to protect against evil spirits. It’s my go-to oil for alleviating nightmares and night terrors as it encourages sweet dreams.
Juniper Berry, famously known as the berry from which the alcoholic spirit Gin is obtained, is an essential oil well-known for its calming effects on nervous tension. Diffused into the air, it can be used as a natural purifier and is great to use during meditation.
It was used medicinally in ancient Europe for treating such conditions as respiratory problems, urinary infections, arthritis, rheumatism, gout, inflammation, to relieve exhaustion and to improve memory.
When applied diluted to the skin, Juniper Berry produces skin warmth which may help ease the discomfort of a strenuous workout. Diluted in carrier oil and rubbed on the legs, it can assist with feelings of congestion or tightness.
Fennel Sweet has a sweet, spicy, earth scent that is a favorite for relieving digestive problems and menstrual discomfort. Fennel essential oil contains a chemical compound called anethole which can reduce certain symptoms of menstruation such as pain, cramping and excess bleeding. Animal studies have demonstrated that fennel essential oil had a significant impact on painful cramping known as dysmenorrhea and had the potential to relieve menstrual pain complications in women.
The unique aroma of Fennel Sweet is great for easing worries, without creating sleepiness. Fennel Sweet is energizing and uplifting, which will help comfort and revitalize when worries are high. Fennel essential oil is made up of monoterpenes and chemical components known for their energizing and uplifting aromatic properties. The chemical makeup of this oil contributes to the sweet, licorice aroma of Fennel. Research published in 2014 provides us with some justification. When mice were treated with either fennel essential oil or a common prescription drug-diazepam, researchers found that the animals treated with fennel oil was more effective on anxiety measurement tests than diazepam.
Try diffusing fennel oil at home or at work if you need to inspire focus and concentration. This might work especially well for students that are finding difficulties focusing on their school work or older people like me who find it difficult to get down to the day’s jobs.
There is some evidence that fennel oil really can help you to concentrate and improve your alertness. A Japanese study published in 2002 found that inhaling fennel essential oil stimulated sympathetic nerve system activities and adrenaline levels.
Word of caution: Fennel Sweet can be skin irritating so always make sure you dilute to 2% before use. It is estrogenic and should not be used on children or women who are pregnant or breastfeeding.

I hope you enjoy this blend as much as I do! Stop in the shop and let our staff blend a bottle for you or grab the single oils and get a free empty bottle to blend your own!
Be Well,