Chakras are subtle energy centers that intersect with our mind, body, and spirit. The major chakras are located along our spine in ascending order from base to crown. These chakras take in and transmit energy throughout our entire being.
When our chakras are in balance our natural energy flows smoothly, creating a sense of overall well-being. Stress, negative thinking, and wounds or traumas to any part of our being can disrupt this vital balance.
This is just the beginning, of course. Like aromatherapy, energy work provides a vast path to develop and deepen your learning. And, like other areas of aromatherapy, there are reputable thought leaders, teachers, and authors specific to subtle aromatherapy should you wish to study this synergy for the spirit.
1st Chakra: Root
Concerns: Sense safety, security, and trust in the world, while feeling present and grounded and present in our body.
2nd Chakra: Sacral
Concerns: Ability to experience emotional security, passion, and pleasure in creative expression and connection to others.
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus
Concern: Sense of self-esteem, self-worth, self-respect, and self-confidence while retaining warmth and graciousness toward others.
4th Chakra: Heart
Concerns: Open to love, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion for self and others
5th Chakra: Throat
Concerns: Ability to identify and speak your true needs while in integrity with yourself and others.
6th Chakra: Third Eye
Concerns: Ability to clearly “see” conceptually and symbolically through intuition, perception, visualization, and imagination.
7th Chakra: Crown
Concerns: Sense of connection to a higher consciousness, higher purpose, and higher self.
Let's talk about each and the Plant Therapy Blend that you can use with that chakra...
First is the Root Chakra and the Grounded Foundation blend. Designed to support your 1st chakra (root), Grounded Foundation has a rich, earthy blend with a hint of sweet spice. It’s created using sacred, treasured oils, including Spikenard, Frankincense Carteri CO2, Palo Santo, and Vetiver.
The root chakra, located at the base of the spine, represents your foundation and feeling of being grounded.
When all is well with your root chakra, you’ll feel a sense of safety, security, and calmness. You’ll be bold and confident enough to tackle new challenges. This makes a properly aligned root chakra vital whenever you’re trying something new or pursuing a major life goal.
What happens when your root chakra is out of balance?
Feeling threatened, panicked, or anxious? This could mean your root chakra is blocked! These unpleasant feelings can take over your thoughts and make you feel uncertain, and question yourself. Physically, a blocked root chakra could cause a sore lower back, low energy levels, and cold extremities.
Balancing your root chakra:
Grounded Foundations supports your root chakra by soothing, calming, and relaxing you when you’re feeling disconnected and upset. To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend.
If you decide to use it topically, dilute Grounded Foundation to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your root chakra, the base of your spine, by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Having a healthy root chakra helps to create a sense of security, protection, and hope and supports feelings of trust and belonging [8]. Grounded Foundation will help you open up this energetic area of your body.
Try this DIY Foot Cream using Grounded Foundation to feel firmly grounded and centered, while allowing a sense of expansiveness and higher connection. Using a foot cream helps to pull energy back down in the subtle body toward the ground to feel more grounded.
What you’ll need:
1 ounce Evening Primrose Body Cream
6 drops Grounded Foundation
What you’ll do:
To use, mix the body cream and Grounded Foundation and massage onto your feet to enjoy a deep sense of connection and grounding to the world around you.
Now let’s move upwards from the base of our spine to the point on our lower abdomen, an inch or two under the belly button. This is where the 2nd chakra resides – the sacral chakra – which we can nourish using aromatherapy as powerful support for your overall wellness in this area.
Today’s focus is our Joyful Creation blend. Designed to support your sacral chakra, Joyful Creation has a lushly layered and smooth floral scent that continues to unfold as it reaches the senses. It’s created using the essential oils and extracts of Coriander Seed, Geranium Bourbon, Orange Sweet, and Jasmine Absolute.
The sacral chakra represents your ability to experience emotional security, passion, and pleasure in creative expression and connection to others. It’s your center of passion and creative energy that propels you to enjoy doing the things you really love with joy and self-acceptance.
When all is well with your sacral chakra, we experience the healthy emotions of pleasure, gratification, intimacy, and desire. These positive feelings stimulate our sense of creativity, connection, growth, and change.
What happens when your sacral chakra is out of balance?
When your sacral chakra is blocked or unbalanced, your relationship with yourself and others may become disconnected and cold. Trusting in yourself to explore your passions could be overtaken by feelings of insecurity, timidity, and guilt. You may experience attachment issues, misuse sexual energy, or cling to toxic relationships. Physically, symptoms generally occur in the regions of the lower abdomen, back, and reproductive and digestive organs. Pain in these areas, abnormal bowel movements, and impotence may result from a blocked sacral chakra.
Balancing your sacral chakra:
Give yourself positive affirmations, dive into your favorite creative expressions, dance like no one’s watching, and sing your heart out in the car! Unblocking the sacral chakra means unlocking your inner passions and releasing them to the world. You need to let go of negative emotional baggage and make space for positive, creative energy!
Joyful Creation supports your sacral chakra by nurturing your spontaneity, passion, and expansion in the birth of new concepts. Enliven your senses with harmony, warmth, and enthusiasm in all of your relationships – including the relationship you have with yourself.
Having a healthy sacral chakra helps to clear energetic blocks related to relationships and creative expression. Joyful Creation will help you open up this energetic area of your body.
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute Joyful Creation to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your sacral chakra, your lower abdomen, by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Try this DIY Medley using Joyful Creation to plug into your own positive, creative, and passionate energies. Use it at home to support closeness in your relationships, at work to promote a creative space, or anywhere you want to invite a sense of joy and enthusiasm in moving forward toward transformation.
What you’ll need:
1/2 cup baking soda
Glass mason jar with screw on band
coffee filter
20 drops Joyful Creation Blend
What you’ll do:
Measure out the baking soda and add to jar. Stir in Joyful Creation and combine well. Place coffee filter on the top and screw on the lid. To support new growth and encourage warmth and closeness in relationships, open the jar and enjoy the aroma. Shake every few days to renew the scent.
Located at that tiny space just under your breastbone and above your belly button, the solar plexus chakra is the point of our personal power. When this chakra is blocked you can feel powerless, but when open you experience your full strength of purpose. Plant Therapy’s Self Manifestation blend is designed to support this chakra with its softly sweet punch of spice, made with the essential oils of Black Pepper, Cardamom, Davana, and Grapefruit Pink.
The solar plexus chakra represents your source of personal power, helping guide you to your own authentic identity. When you invest in self-growth, you gain independence and a sense of self-worth.
When your solar plexus chakra is open and healthy, you experience a more honest perception of who you are. This is the center of your self-esteem, willpower, and self-discipline. Harnessing this energy lets you to be proactive in your life, and strengthen your sense of self-empowerment.
What happens when your solar plexus chakra is out of balance? When your solar plexus chakra is blocked (or unbalanced), your self-confidence and motivation can take a serious hit. You may start to see yourself as a victim of circumstances, and feel powerless to control the direction of your life. Physically, a blocked solar plexus can cause digestion issues, gallstones, weight gain or loss, indigestion, and stomach ulcers. Generally no fun!
Balancing your solar plexus chakra:
Take a walk outside to enjoy a bright, sunny day. It’s time to take charge of your life. Don’t view yourself as a victim; instead, practice speaking up for yourself and taking care of your needs. Step outside of your comfort zone and try new things – especially things that might scare you. If you have people in your life who are constant naysayers giving off a barrage of unconstructive criticism and negativity, take a step back and evaluate those relationships. Are they helpful or harmful?
Self Manifestation supports your solar plexus chakra by quieting the mind so that you can look inward to tap into our own sense of self. Doing this will strengthen your sense of self-empowerment and confidence, so you can start reaching for new heights!
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend.
To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute Self Manifestation to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can apply this oil (diluted) directly to the area of your solar plexus chakra, which sits just under your breastbone and above your belly button, by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Healing your solar plexus chakra helps to invite positive, cleansing energy to support manifestation of our purpose, while encouraging warmth and graciousness toward others. Self Manifestation will help you open up this energetic area of your body.
Try this DIY Solid Perfume using Self Manifestation to help nourish your sense of self-worth with courage, confidence, and optimism.
Self Manifestation Solid Perfume
What you’ll need:
2 Tbsp Beeswax pearls
2 Tbsp Organic Jojoba Carrier Oil (or carrier oil of your choice)
15 drops Self Manifestation
What you’ll do:
Melt beeswax over a double boiler. Stir in carrier oil. Remove from heat. Stir in 15 drops of Self Manifestation. Pour into small tins or jars and cap tightly to cool. To use, anoint and massage the area of your third chakra, the solar plexus, which is the tiny area under the breast bone and above the belly button.
Next we come to the 4th chakra – the heart chakra. Not surprisingly, the area of this chakra is located at the center of the chest. It corresponds with not only the heart, but also the lungs, thymus gland, and cardiac plexus. Sitting as the middle point to all seven chakras, the heart chakra is the center of our ability to offer unconditional love and acceptance to ourselves and others. Our Loving Compassion blend is designed to support this chakra with its soothing, softly rosy and green aroma, composed of the essential oils of Grapefruit Pink, Rhododendron, Bergamot, and Rose Otto.
The heart chakra represents your ability to give and receive love. This chakra can be easily and deeply wounded, greatly affecting our wellbeing. Healing our own hearts allows us to help heal the world around us. When we love ourselves for who we are, we can offer love to others, viewing them with compassion, acceptance, and kindness.
What happens when your heart chakra is out of balance?
When your heart chakra is unbalanced, you may be overcome with a flood of negative emotions towards yourself and others. A broken heart, a traumatic experience, the loss of a loved one, and disappointment from those you look up to, are just a few ways this chakra can become blocked. The feeling of having a “heavy heart” from sadness, loneliness, and rejection may warp into constant suspicions and fears about the intentions of those around you, especially in your closest relationships. Physically, a blocked heart chakra may lead to respiratory illnesses, heart abnormalities, upper back pain, and poor circulation.
Balancing your heart chakra:
Living your life without an open heart chakra would mean missing out on all of the joy genuine and accepting relationships can bring you [4]. It’s important to change your perception about yourself and others to move out of this place of negativity. Shift your state of mind to focus on positive aspects of everything your life has to offer. And never underestimate the power of regularly considering what you are grateful for.
Loving Compassion supports your heart chakra by helping to ease wounds of the heart and nourish the spirit. It helps to clear and cleanse deep wounds and blocks, while opening and uplifting the heart center.
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute Loving Compassion to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your heart chakra, your chest, by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Try this DIY Lotion using Loving Compassion to help invite positive energy and encourage a joyful outlook for your life!
Loving Compassion Lotion
What you’ll need:
1 oz Olive Unscented Lotion
6 drops of Loving Compassion
To use, anoint your chest, shoulders, or arms. This invites in positive energy and will promote feelings of unconditional love for self and others.
The throat chakra’s location rests at the center of the neck, just above the “v” of the collar bone and below the larynx. It encompasses the anatomical areas of the thyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, and tongue – making it the chakra that aligns with the communication and expression of yourself with integrity and harmony. Our True Expression blend is designed to support this chakra with its cooling, fruity, and refreshing aroma, made with the essential oils of Ho Wood, Lavender Fine, Spearmint, and Blue Tansy.
The throat chakra represents your ability to produce clear and flowing communication with ourselves and others. The energy that flows freely through this narrow passage in our chakra system supports the mind and body link vital to understanding our own needs. This chakra represents the crossroads between the emotions in our hearts and the thoughts in our heads so that we may speak our minds in ways that are compassionate and proactive.
What happens when your throat chakra is out of balance?
We’ve all come across people who use their voice in toxic ways. Lieing, gossiping, manipulating, and being verbally abusive are signs of a blocked throat chakra. Additionally, those who are too fearful to speak and lack the confidence to express themselves truthfully may also have an unhealthy 5th chakra. When blocked by fear, the throat chakra can easily become congested with our repressed ability to express our true essence. Physically, symptoms may include hearing problems, neck pain, dental issues, a chronic sore throat, and teeth grinding.
Balancing your throat chakra:
There is a delicate balance when authentically expressing yourself. Being truthful – in a way that is kind and compassionate – does not always come easily to everyone. This may be because it is so much easier to say what you think someone wants to hear rather than speak truthfully. Maybe it’s because you imagine ridicule and judgement for speaking genuinely. Either way, unblocking your throat chakra means finding the confidence within yourself to verbalize your own personal truths, opinions, needs, and wants.
Use your voice in any way to get that positive energy flowing through your throat chakra. Sing, read out loud, speak up when in public, and laugh – laugh as much as you can! Maybe you need to practice using your voice, and that’s okay. Write down what you want to learn to express to others and practice saying it out loud. Communication isn’t just about using your voice, though; communication is also about listening. When others are speaking, practice active listening – don’t passively “hear” the words, but really listen, understand, and respond purposefully.
True Expression is soothing, cooling, and calming to the spirit, while nurturing a sense of self-esteem, confidence, and strength. This unique blend helps to release energetic congestion to create a sense of opening and expansion.
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute True Expression to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your throat chakra by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Try this DIY Pendant using True Expression to help connect to your inner essence, as well as higher consciousness, to know and outwardly express your authentic self through truth.
True Expression Essential Oils Aromatherapy Pendant DIY
What you’ll need:
Premade Clay Pendant
Baking or Air Drying Clay
Necklace Cord or String
True Expression
What you’ll do:
Add a drop or two of True Expression to the premade clay pendant, while holding the pendant away from your body. If making the pendant, follow the baking/drying instructions on your clay (don’t forget to add the hole for the cord or string). This necklace should sit in the area of the fifth chakra, which is the point just above the V of the collarbone and under the larynx.
Your 6th chakra is commonly referred to as both the ‘third eye’ chakra and the ‘brow’ chakra. It’s located on your forehead between your eyes. It is widely considered to be the key to your spiritual and psychic abilities.
Our Clear Intuition blend is designed to support this chakra with its softly intoxicating scent, made from the essential oils of Grapefruit Pink, Clary Sage, Sandalwood Australian, and Spruce Hemlock.
If the name “third eye” sounds familiar, it’s likely because you’ve heard of it before!
Since ancient times, civilizations have recognized the existence of a place in our minds that understands more than what our five senses show us. Concepts like intuition, foresight, and the ability to see the future, are all within the domain of the third eye/brown chakra. While your eyes guide physical direction, your 6th chakra sees inward for guidance. Your intuition brings you clearer perception of your purpose. Ultimately, this chakra supports greater spiritual growth and transformation.
What happens when your third eye/brow chakra is out of balance? When your third eye/brow chakra is blocked, you may be struggling to find purpose. Life feels pointless.
It also might also feel difficult to trust your inner voice, learn new skills, or think with clarity. Physically, you might get headaches, dizziness, eye issues, and brain lesions. Delusions, disconnections with reality, and addictive behaviors can also be problems with your third eye chakra.
Balancing your third eye/brow chakra:
If you want to open this chakra and get more clarity, insight, and intuition, spend time focusing on your inner voice. Use self-reflection to create a plan your life’s direction. You might try keeping a dream journal to track your inner thoughts and subconscious mind.
Clear Intuition supports your third eye/brow chakra by promoting the ability to “clearly see” through intuition. It helps quiet your conscious mind and encourage introspection.
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute Clear Intuition to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your third eye/brow chakra by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Try this DIY Incense using Clear Intuition to help connect to a higher state of consciousness and inspire possibility while remaining grounded in peace.
Clear Intuition Incense
What you’ll need:
Blank incense sticks
Olive dish (or other long dish)
20 drops of Clear Intuition per incense stick
What you’ll do:
Place one blank incense stick in the olive dish. Using about 20 drops of Clear Intuition, coat the incense stick entirely. Set the coated stick upright in a cup to dry for about 15 hours, or until completely dry. Burn during meditation practices to quiet the conscious mind and encourage introspection.
Finally we come to the 7th chakra – the crown chakra. Like a crown, the location of this chakra sits atop the head and — unlike a crown! — extends infinitely upward and outward. It connects us to a higher state of consciousness and self-knowledge, so that we may reach our higher self. Our Higher Connection blend is designed to support this chakra with its warm, shimmering, heady scent, made up of the essential oils of Orange Blood, Frankincense Carteri CO2, Petitgrain, and Neroli.
Of all the chakras, the crown chakra is the most difficult to explain. Think of this chakra as pure, conscious energy that connects you to the energy of the entire universe. If you can image the push and pull of two magnets, that invisible but clearly powerful tension, you can image your own conscious energy. Like a seed bursting open and stretching out toward the sun, our energy reaches upward to allow higher wisdom to flow downward, nourishing our spiritual growth. The crown chakra opens our consciousness to higher states, beyond our own personal preoccupations. When we are able to shed ourselves of material fixations and our sense of ego, we can be filled with serenity and peace about life and our relationship to the universal energy that connects all of existence.
What happens when your crown chakra is out of balance? The crown chakra is associated with the brain and the entire nervous system. Because of this, blockage in this chakra can result in very subtle, systematic issues. Depression, mental fog, chronic fatigue, struggling to learn new concepts, and sleep disorders may present themselves. You may have feelings of living inside your own head and being detached from the world around you. When we are disconnected at this chakra, we can experience false illusions and attachments, which can leave us feeling empty and unsatisfied inside.
Balancing your crown chakra:
Meditation is a powerful tool when healing the crown chakra. Immersion in the energy of the 7th chakra helps to transcend from living in the ordinary to a sense of the extraordinary. Balance your meditation with living a life you love so you can remain rooted in your reality while also connecting to the cosmic energy above. As we realize the interconnected nature of everything, we can begin to live with a deeper sense of gratitude. Work on balancing the energy of the other chakras in order to keep the crown chakra healthy.
Higher Connection supports your crown chakra by gently encouraging strength in our spiritual growth to know greater love and deeper purpose.
To use this blend, you can add to a personal inhaler or diffuser. Putting a drop or two on a tissue and wafting it away from your nose is another fantastic way to enjoy the benefits of this blend. To apply this amazing aroma topically, dilute Higher Connection to 1% in your favorite carrier oil. You can anoint the area of your heart chakra, your chest, by massaging this intentionally in a clockwise direction.
Try this DIY Pillow Spritz using Higher Connection to enjoy this divine aroma near the top of your head. Healing the crown chakra will invite in pure, radiant, and joyful energy, allowing connection with greater self-knowledge and our higher selves.
High Connection PillowSpritz
What you’ll need:
18 drops of Higher Connection
1.5 ounce of water
.5 ounces of Everclear*
Empty spray bottle
What you’ll do:
Measure out water and Everclear in separate measuring cups. Mix essential oils into Everclear and then add water in slowly. Pour into empty spray bottle. Spray linens before bed.
*Everclear is used in this recipe to allow the essential oils to emulsify properly and to help with preservation. If you do not want to use Everclear then an emulsifier and preservative would be necessary.
**Higher Connection is a KidSafe blend. However, due to the addition to Everclear, it is your decision if you want to use this spritz around children or not.